Before you start.

  • Apply the tape after moisturizing or following your nighttime skincare routine.
  • Depending on the products you use, wait 10–20 minutes for the skincare products to settle before applying the tape.
  • Never overextend the skin. Instead, slightly pre-extend—just enough to smooth out any wrinkles in the application area. This ensures you don’t apply the tape over existing lines, but be careful never to pull on the skin.
Safety Note.
  • DO NOT apply tape over hair or brows for prolonged periods.
  • Do NOT apply tape over active acne, sunburns, irritated skin, any active skin condition, or a compromised skin barrier (including recent micro-needling, dermaplaning, peels, etc.).
  • Do not use face tape for a few weeks after injections.
  • If any doubts, consider doing a patch test on your neck first.

Which Application Should You Choose?

  • For forehead lines: Use the vertical forehead lines application.
  • For both 11s and forehead lines: Combine the vertical forehead lines application with one of the methods below.
  • For 11s: The Bird Shape application works well and can be mixed with the Pants application for added support.
  • For a single line instead of 11s: The Pants application is slightly better.
  • For prevention (if 11s aren’t a major concern): A single-piece application works well and pairs nicely with the forehead lines application.

For any other use, feel free to reach out. We'll continue updating this page, and the next video will cover the under-eye area.

Forehead Lines Application

  • Often done in a set of four or more pieces from hairline down to brows, plus shorter strips on the sides.
  • You can still move your forehead—this is normal and desirable.
  • Always round the corners.
  • Measure from hairline to brow, and cut 2 long(er) strips. (+Round the corners)
  • Cut two shorter strips for the sides, measure from hair line to arch of the brow. (+Round the corners)
  • Remove the backing of the base of the strip and stick the base
  • Smooth out the skin by either pre-extending the tissue or pushing the skin opposite direction.
  • Remove the backing and glide down.

11s: Bird Shape

  • Measure from brow to center of nose, cut strips to match the muscle width.
  • Pre-extend by shifting tissues laterally (out to the sides) and glide tape from the brow towards the bridge of nose.
  • If the 11/1 line is still visible, shift the skin slightly to the opposite side to smooth it out before placing the tape’s “tail.”

11s: Pants Application

  • A piece cut in half but left connected at the top (so it looks like “pants”) (not necessary but recommended).
  • Placed under the hairline with two “legs” going around the brow area.
  • Can be used alone or combined with the “bird” for frown lines.

11s: One Piece

  • Cut a rectangle that fits between the brows, rounding corners.
  • Remove the center backing first so you can anchor the middle, then smooth out to the sides.

Safely remove the tape.

  • Soak with warm water before removal & go SLOW.
  • Start by sliding your finger underneath and gently rub off while supporting the skin.

Under-eye area (INCOMING)
